Serious Commitments

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15. There are many times in life and in your Christian walk that you will be obligated to your commitments. Also, these commitments tend to show your character. Since our recent move to the area, Tiana and I have been blessed to find a Jesus centered church that believes in a relationship with Christ more than the religious traditions. While I am on the topic of traditions, I want to be very clear that there are times that traditions are necessary. For example: breaking of bread, prayer and worship, church service, and many other times when gathering together as a community or group. My belief is when you are truly saved or “accept Jesus into your heart” you are making a commitment with Jesus. You are not merely having an experience with him as you would if you heard a great speaker and wanted to change your ways. It is a daily walk and giving of your life for something that is outside of yourself. When I was saved it was because I found out that Jesus was someone who I could have real relation with instead of just the knowledge of some higher being that hated when I was having sex outside of marriage or disrespecting the elderly. This was a profound moment in my life and changed it entirely. Once I made that commitment to be the son of God, a child of the light, Jesus disciple, I began to really see the world for what it was. I also found out the commitments that God had for my life and his intentions for it.

I find that people tend to not hold true to their commitments. Some intentional and some not so intentional. It could be the little things like forgetting to grab toilet paper on the way home from work. Then to big things like cheating on a spouse. We as Christians on the other hand are held to our commitments. We believe that our commitments to our friends, family, and neighbors are sacred. When we fail to hold firm to them, we are actually breaking a deal with God, which is unacceptable.

Now here are 6 tips that I have began to use and I think can be a general rule of thumb for everyone.
1. When you make a commitment or promise, keep it.
2. Think of commitments to someone as a make or break in your relationship.
3. Commitments that are followed through show great character.
4. God is pleased when we step up and hold to our commitments, because so few actually do.
5. Learn to say NO. Do not get yourself caught up in multiple commitments that over lap each other. You are bound to stumble.
6. Be ready for spiritual attacks. Without fail, something will try to come between you and a commitment. BE READY

Tiana and I have made a commitment to become leaders in our church. Before accepting the responsibility, we decided that we would make sure that those days were available. This means placing it on our calendars, missing birthdays, telling our bosses, and not committing to anything else until this time period has expired. It may sound so simple and easy, but yet I tend to think that it took a lot of work and effort to accomplish those few task. We believe that our commitment to leadership will in fact change lives. We also believe that there are perks to being in God’s will. God’s will tends to be hard because it is not always our favorite thing to do, but it is always worth it.


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